Acoustic rock jam with acoustic guitar and a loop pedal
Here is one acoustic rock theme for a song which is hopefully to be completed some time soon (as always). One of the most exciting things in guitar playing for me nowadays is jamming with a loop pedal. Building and jamming songs with the looper is really fun and inspiring way to create new music.
With looper it feels like there’s almost a real band around especially when using all diverse sound possibilities that acoustic guitar can provide. It suits pretty well in the case of acoustic rock in my opinion.
I’ve been exploring acoustic guitar a lot lately. I have a backround in rock music so I’ve been trying to if there are any acoustic rock bands out there. Not so much, lots bands playing old school though. I think this list of acoustic rock songs is a pretty well written, I bet you know most of the songs.
Loop pedal brings lots of new possibilities to explore
With this acoustic rock jam I explored couple of new things I’ve been thinking of lately. The first one is looper which I already mentioned. It’s really inspiring way to create music with it and I’m hoping to explore it more later. I’m especially interested to see how far I can go with it.
Playing with loop pedal is almost like same kind of continuous exploration and learning than my habit of writing morning pages. If you haven’t heard about that check the link above, you learn a lot about writing and from yourself, I promise.
Would it be possible to perform live with it eventually? I know some people handle loop pedal really well when playing live so it’s definitely possible. With the help of different percussive elements acoustic guitar can provide loop pedal gets really handy when building bigger feeling for the songs.
Acoustic guitar and overdrive?
Second thing that’s been interesting with this acoustic rock riff is that I ended up jamming this with a small amount of overdrive. Overdrive is usually attached to electric guitars but I find it interesting to use it when playing acoustic guitars. I’m not the only one, check this article about overdrive and acoustic guitars for example.
It’s not really easy to handle when playing live but with small volumes it’s funny thing to play with. The sound is really raw and organic when playing acoustic guitar with overdrive. It’s not that often used anymore so I’m really interested to explore it more.
Everything that’s actually pretty old seem to interest usually because it feels so fresh. That’s how the ideas come and go, usually everything is already invented.
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