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Make long-term goals and write them down – It’s worth it.

This is from where it started - Make long-term goals - It's worth it

Do you make long-term goals and write them down?

I set some goals for my songwriting few years back and wrote down ideas and in where I’d like to see myself in the future. I made a plan how to pursue my goals and how to start working towards them.

And then of course – I forgot I had made any plans for the future. 

It was interesting to find that memo this morning. I was very excited to read it again. It turned out I’m still on the right track.

My plan was to learn songwriting for my own terms and obviously write lots of music. I had an idea to build this blog same. But some stuff I started to work towards then haven’t happened yet so I have still some way to go.


Long term-goals help you along the way

I’ve felt sometimes that I’m a bit lost when it comes to songwriting and building the skills around it. I write music and think this stuff mainly alone so it’s pretty easy to get lost at some point.

There are days you feel you don’t make any progress or you cannot complete any good music. In that cases you really need this kind of long-term plans. Even if you don’t think those goals actively all the time.

Some sort of a mentor would be a really good option as well but for me my personal list of long-term goals are working pretty well. 

The point is to sit down and write down your goals so you really have think everything through. That way those goals will lead to the right direction most of the time. 


Set your goals high but be realistic

It was pretty nice and inspiring to see I haven’t changed much during these few years when it comes to songwriting goals and what I’d like to accomplish with everything related. My goals are quite minimalistic thoughts – I’m just pretty much trying to have a good time.

But most importantly trying to figure how to have that time to have a good time with songwriting. I still got some work to do.

I believe there’s something happening unintentionally when you’re making a long term goals. When you really take your time, write them down and believe in them. You don’t need to think about those goals all the time but you really need to do your groundwork so you can rely your moving towards the right direction.

I still have lots to do with everything related learning of songwriting but so far it’s been really nice journey. I should probably update my goals a bit since some of them are already completed. 

How about you?